

2015-06-01 课时:11分钟

金颖:Fox3 suppresses NFAT-mediated diffERentiation to maintain self-renewal of embryonic stem cells


Pluripotency-associated transcription factor Foxd3 is required for maintaining pluripotent cells. HowevER, molecular mechanisms undERlying its function are largely unknown.

HERe, we report that Foxd3 suppresses diffERentiation induced by Calcineurin-NFAT signaling to maintain the ESC identity. Mechanistically, Foxd3 intERacts with NFAT proteins and recruits co-repressor Tle4, a membER of the Tle suppressor family highly expressed in undiffERentiated ESCs, to repress NFATc3’s transcriptional activities.

FurthERmore, global transcriptome analysis shows that Foxd3 and NFATc3 co-regulate a set of diffERentiation-associated genes in ESCs. Collectively, our study establishes a molecular and functional link between a pluripotency-associated factor and an important ESC diffERentiation-inducing pathway.

2015-08-04 课时:38分钟

GenERating B-lymphoblastoid cell lines using Epstein Barr virus transformation.

GenERating immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines via Epstein Barr virus transformation using the B95-8 EBV-infected and producing marmoset cell line.

2015-12-07 课时:0分钟

WestERn Blot 检测蛋白表达 上海交通大学医学院实验视频

WestERn Blot 检测蛋白表达 上海交通大学医学院实验视频

2015-12-08 课时:29分钟

WestERn Blot 实验操作 中文演示视频

WestERn Blot 实验操作 中文演示视频

2015-12-08 课时:41分钟

WestERn Blot Using The invitrogen NuPAGE Novex Bis-Tris MiniGel System(Aubin Penna.Ph.D)

WestERn Blot Using The invitrogen NuPAGE Novex Bis-Tris MiniGel System(Aubin Penna.Ph.D)

2015-12-08 课时:23分钟

Immunoblot Analysis Sean GallaghER(UVP,LLC)and Deb Chakravart(Proteomic CentER)

Immunoblot Analysis Sean GallaghER(UVP,LLC)and Deb Chakravart(Proteomic CentER)

2015-12-08 课时:17分钟

WestERn Blotting 实验步骤演示

WestERn Blotting 实验步骤演示

2015-12-08 课时:7分钟

细菌交流通过群感效应 - Bonnie BasslER P1


Bonnie BasslER (Princeton) Part 1: BactERial Communication via Quorum Sensing

BactERia, primitive single-celled organisms, communicate with chemical languages that allow them to synchronize their behavior and thEReby act as enormous multi-cellular organisms. This process is called quorum sensing and it enables bactERia to successfully infect and cause disease in plants, animals, and humans. Investigations of the molecular mechanisms undERlying quorum sensing are leading to the development of novel strategies to intERfERe with quorum sensing. These strategies form the basis of new thERapies to be used as antibiotics. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2015-12-14 课时:54分钟

霍乱弧菌群体感应和新型抗生素 - Bonnie BasslER P2


Bonnie BasslER (Princeton) Part 2: Vibrio CholERae Quorum Sensing and Novel Antibiotics

BactERia, primitive single-celled organisms, communicate with chemical languages that allow them to synchronize their behavior and thEReby act as enormous multi-cellular organisms. This process is called quorum sensing and it enables bactERia to successfully infect and cause disease in plants, animals, and humans. Investigations of the molecular mechanisms undERlying quorum sensing are leading to the development of novel strategies to intERfERe with quorum sensing. These strategies form the basis of new thERapies to be used as antibiotics. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2015-12-14 课时:20分钟