

2015-12-14 课时:5分钟

控制声乐学习行为的大通路 - Erich Jarvis P1


Erich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 1: Convergent behavior and brain pathways

In Part 1, Jarvis explains that vocal learning is the ability to hear a sound and repeat it. Only 5 groups of mammals (including humans) and 3 groups of birds (parrots, hummingbirds and songbirds) are capable of vocal learning. Jarvis and his lab members imaged changes in gene expression in bird's brains after singing. They found that hummingbirds, songbirds and parrots each have pathways in specific areas of the brain that are not found in non-vocal learning birds. Interestingly, analogous networks exist in the human brain but not in non-vocal learning monkeys.

In Part 2, Jarvis proposes a mechanism by which vocal learning may have evolved. He suggests that the brain areas that control vocal learning are the result of a duplication of a pre-existing neural circuit that controls motor movement. A similar duplication event may have occurred during the evolution of humans with the result that both humans and Snowball, a cockatoo, can sing and dance to a beat!

In Jarvis' third talk, he demonstrates that the brain pathways necessary for vocal learning are associated with the expression of particular axonal guidance genes. He also proposes that the evolutionary events responsible for the development of vocal learning may be a general mechanism for the development of other complex behavioral traits.

2015-12-14 课时:27分钟


通过对中风和在车祸中大受到损伤的患者进行细致的治疗,神经外科医生 Jocelyne Bloch了解到大并不能彻底实现自我修复。但是现在,她提出,她和同事们可能已经找到了神经修复的关键所在:DCX阳性细胞。与干细胞类似,它们的可塑性很强,而且从大中被提取出之后,经过培养,再重新植入同一大的受损区域,它们就能够帮助大进行修复和重构。“只需要一点点的辅助,”Bloch说,“大也许就能自我复原。”

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2016-07-19 课时:11分钟


通过神经网络的电信号的模式决定大功能。Adam Cohen探讨视觉化的可能性使用荧光膜的跨膜蛋白在一个完整的大内的这些信号这是敏感的电压。科恩讨论了这种方法的障碍。他预测跨学科的科学家们最终会克服的。

2016-11-17 课时:11分钟


科学被认为是人类认知领域的“黑洞”,人类对于大处理加工信息和高级认知功能的理解,还是沧海一粟,阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病等部重大疾病也仍困扰着我们。而单细胞测序、分析等技术的发展为研究者从单细胞和神经微环路层面理解部运行机制和功能提供了高效的研究手段,也为有效诊断和治疗疾病带来了新的思路。 欢迎届时参会讨论,期待会后,可以促成不同研究组进一步的交流与合作!

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