剪接体的结构和动力学 - Melissa Moore Part 2


本节课Melissa Moore讲述了,剪接体的成分和在每个工作周期中的剪接体。穆尔还解释了如何利用荧光蛋白标签和全反射显微镜的创新,使她和她的同事们能够更好地理解复接机器的有序组装与功能。

Melissa Moore (U. Mass/HHMI) Part 2: Spliceosome Structure and Dynamics

Moore goes on to describe the cellular splicing machine, the spliceosome, in greater detail in Part 2. She lists the components of the spliceosome and where each works in the spliceosome cycle. Moore also explains how the innovative use of fluorescent protein tags and total internal reflection microscopy has allowed her and her colleagues to better understand the ordered assembly and function of the complex splicing machine.

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2016-01-05 课时:40分钟