FLuidigm BioMark-陈巍学基因(22)



2015-08-27 课时:8分钟

秦正红:DRAM1 regulates autophagy FLux and Bid-mediated cell death via lysosomes


Damage-regulated autophagy modulator1 (DRAM1), a novel TP53 target gene, is an evolutionarily conserved lysosomal protein and plays an essential role in TP53-dependent autophagy activation and apoptosis (Crighton et al, 2006). However, the mechanisms by which DRAM1 promotes autophagy and apoptosis are not clear. 3-Nitropropionic acid (3-NP) is an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiratory complex II. Intrastriatal administration of 3-NP produces neuropathology resemble to Huntington disease. 3-NP-induced neuronal death was involved in autophagy and apoptosis. In vitro studies with 3-NP in TP53 wt and null cells, 3-NP or CCCP increased the protein levels of DRAM1 in a TP53-dependent or independent manner. DRAM1 induction contributed to 3-NP-induced autophagy activation. Knock-down of DRAM1 with siRNA inhibited the activity of V-ATPase, acidification of lysosomes and activation of lysosomal proteases. Knock-down of DRAM1 reduced the clearance of autophagososmes.

3-NP also induced a transcription independent upregulation of BAX protein levels. Knock-down of DRAM1 suppressed the increase in BAX levels. Co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down studies revealed an interaction of DRAM1 and BAX protein. Stably expression of exogenous DRAM1 increased the half-life of BAX. Upregulation of DRAM1 recruited BAX to lysosomes and induced cathepsin B-dependent cleavage of Bid and cytochrome c release. Knockdown of DRAM1, BAX or inhibition of lysosomal enzymes reduced 3-NP-induced cytochrome c release and cell death.

These data suggest that DRAM1 plays important roles in regulating autophagy FLux and apoptosis. DRAM1 promotes autophagy FLux through a mechanism involves activation of V-ATPase and enhances the acidification of lysosomes. DRAM1 promotes apoptosis via a mechanism involving recruitment of BAX to lysosomes to trigger cathepsin B-mediated Bid cleavage.

2015-09-30 课时:39分钟

KrosFLo 中空纤维过滤组件 - 卓越性能,优化澄清、浓缩及纯化工艺




2015-10-28 课时:3分钟

Rescuing US bIomedical Research From Its Systemic FLaws


2016-09-26 课时:13分钟

掌控Phospho-FLow: 巧用细胞内、外流式细胞术优化免疫细胞活化分析

Since its first use in 1950s, FLow cytometry has become one of the mostly powerful analysis techniques in biomedical research and clinical use to rapidly and simultaneously scrutinize multiple parameters at the single-cell level determined. Besides the use of best possible antibodies, an appropriate fixation and permeabilization protocol play critical roles in achieving successful detections from surface CD markers to intercellular modified targets such as phosphorylated proteins. This presentation, as a guideline, will share with you those important tips that CST FLow-cytometry experts routinely use in their daily bench work. 自从流式细胞术在20世纪50年代首次应用以来,它已成为生物医学研究和临床应用中最有力的分析技术之一,以便在单细胞水平上快速且同时检测多个参数。除了使用经严格验证优化的抗体外,适当的固定和通透方案对于从细胞表面CD marker到细胞内修饰靶标(如磷酸化蛋白)的成功检测起着关键作用。作为指导方针,本次讲座将与您分享CST流式细胞术专家在日常的试验工作中经常使用的经验和技巧。

2018-09-28 课时:21分钟

直击COVID-19 – FLuidigm质谱流式技术应对新冠病毒研究挑战


2020-05-08 课时:45分钟


随着流式细胞术近几年的飞速发展,它已成为生物科学领域最有力的分析技术之一。跳出墨守陈规的流式应用,深度挖掘更深层次的流式实验,助力科研及临床的发展,是所有 FLower 为之奋斗的目标。本次讲座将带您了解 Cell Signaling Technology (CST) 流式产品在细胞通路研究中的独到之处,让我们一起在广阔的流式世界中,携手同行,共辟蹊径。

2020-06-09 课时:130分钟