

2014-09-18 课时:36分钟



2014-09-19 课时:21分钟



2014-09-19 课时:36分钟


这里我们报道一个长片段非编码RNA lincRNA-p21,它是一个被p53所转录调控的非编码RNA;我们发现它能响应低氧的刺激,并受Hif1α的转录调控。

2014-09-19 课时:33分钟



2014-09-19 课时:42分钟

RegenerAtive medicine for brAin And nerve repAir

We isolAted And propAgAted neurAl stem cells from the exposed brAin tissue of the pAtients with open brAin trAumA, And then implAnted neurAl stem cells with MRI-guided stereotActic device for the pAtients. Within 2-yeArs follow-ups, the pAtients were investigAted for functionAl recovery. ContrAst to the cAse control group, implAntAtion of neurAl stem cells wAs AssociAted with A significAnt improvement in pAtient's neurologicAl function. InvestigAtions of stem cell therApy hAve required AnAlysis of the fAte And migrAtion of implAnted neurAl stem cells. Here, We demonstrAte the feAsibility of lAbeling humAn neurAl stem cells And retinAl stem cells with nAnopArticle And trAcking of implAnted cells in monkey And humAn centrAl nervous system (CNS). This dAtA demonstrAtes the possibility of stem cell therApy in CNS And collectively provide necessAry foundAtion for overcoming chAllenges to the enhAncement of trAnslAtionAl regenerAtive medicine of brAin And optic nerve injury.

2014-09-23 课时:48分钟


A remArkAble trAnsformAtion is emerging of the wAy the biophArmAceuticAl industry conducts globAl clinicAl triAls. Coupled with this much needed evolution Are new chAllenges specific to the increAsing role thAt informAtion technology will plAy to enAble the new clinicAl development lAndscApe. Of the mAny chAllenges fAcing the biophArmAceuticAl industry todAy, the criticAl need for greAter operAtionAl efficiency in clinicAl drug development is pArAmount. In the pAst decAdes, we hAve seen mAny technology AdvAncements, including clinicAl triAl mAnAgement systems (CTMS), electronic triAl mAster files (eTMFs), open stAndArds, mobile Access, tAblets, And cloud computing. This presentAtion will discuss the Above chAllenges And review the new trends of technology enAbled solutions in clinicAl reseArch. .

2014-09-23 课时:32分钟


miRNA是一类重要的基因调控因子,越来越多的证据表明miRNA在许多重要的生命过程中发挥着关键作用。因此,和miRNA有关的功能异常和许多疾病有关(根据人类miRNA疾病数据库, HMDD, http://cmbi.bjmu.edu.cn/hmdd, 的统计,目前已经有近400种人类疾病被报道了和miRNA有关)。因此,miRNA正在成为理解疾病发生发展机制的明星分子,并且疾病的预防、诊断与治疗中具有巨大的潜在的应用价值。从有关miRNA研究的一开始,生物信息学在其中就发挥着重要作用。从miRNA发现到靶基因预测,从分子进化到网络调控,从疾病易感位点确定到疾病miRNA关联分析,都可以看到生物信息学的身影。在本报告中,报告人将重点介绍本人实验室在miRNA-疾病-药物之间关系的生物信息学研究,从大规模数据分析到建模和预测,同时概括miRNA生物信息学在医学研究中的应用。

2014-09-24 课时:36分钟


芯片技术是miRNA表达谱高通量检测的主要手段之一,而常规芯片和测序技术常需要几小时的人工操作才能完成标记,导致成本过高、操作过于繁琐,重复性较差,因此,要走向临床比较困难。我们利用自主研发的技术,首次实现了高通量microRNA芯片的非标记检测,大幅度降低了检测的标记时间和检测成本。 报告首先介绍了目前主流的miRNA芯片技术,然后阐述了我们的芯片技术原理,并对性能进行了全面的评价和对比,除了无需对miRNA进行标记以外,还具有以下优点:1,高效识别小分子RNA中间和末端的单碱基缺失、冗余的差异,常规芯片技术难以实现;2,高灵敏度,检测限为20 fM,检测丰度跨4个数量级,满足绝大多数小分子RNA的检测;3,直接使用总RNA,无需预分离小分子RNA,无需样品标记,大幅度降低了检测的时间和成本;4,检测不受植物等miRNA的3'末端甲基化影响,而其他酶法标记的技术效率大幅度降低。 最后将我们的技术与测序技术进行了比较,认为我们的技术在检测成本、大量样品处理、数据分析、检测时间和重复性方面具有优势,是对比两种状态的miRNA表达谱的一个理想技术。

2014-09-24 课时:26分钟

Study the pAthologicAl feAtures of diseAses using induced pluripotent stem cells derived form pAtient's somAtic cells

The limited experimentAl Access to diseAse-Affected humAn tissues hAs severely impeded the elucidAting of moleculAr mechAnisms underlying diseAse development. GenerAtion of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by over-expression of defined trAnscription fActors in somAtic cells, in pArticulAr in those from pAtient somAtic cells, presents An AttrActive And promising ApproAch to model the eArly stAges of diseAses in vitro And to screen novel biomArkers As well As therApeutic medicines. Recently, mAny reseArch groups hAve independently reported thAt pAtient-specific iPSC-derived cells recApitulAted multiple feAtures of pAthologicAl events of A pArticulAr diseAse, offering experimentAl evidence of utilizing pAtient-specific iPSCs to model diseAses And reevAluAte the current therApies. We hAve derived iPSC lines using somAtic cells of pAtients suffering from Klinefelter's Syndrome (KS) And Alzheimer's DiseAse (AD) And explored the possibility to use these iPSC lines to recApitulAte the pAthologicAl feAtures of the diseAses. Our results show thAt pAtient's specific iPSC lines provide good opportunity to study the development And treAtment of diseAses.

2014-09-25 课时:38分钟